Thanks to our friends at “Bluegrass Today” for letting everyone know about our Christmas single on its way:
Read full article and listen to Happy Birthday Little Baby Jesus (posted by John Lawless on Bluegrass Today) here!

Well folks… it’s that time of year again.
There’s a nip in the air, the leaves are mostly down, and the annual battle over when it’s OK to talk about Christmas music has begun. The camps seem to line up along two irreconcilable fronts: one believes that it’s never too early to start with the holly and candles, while the other has a definite “not until after Thanksgiving” credo. Armed with the first are The Hallmark Channel, mall retailers, and catalog mailers. The holdouts on the other side can become downright Scroogelike should they encounter carols in mid-November, or see posters up downtown.
Then there’s folks like me who grew up with a Christmas season that runs from December 24 to January 6. We’re Switzerland in this dispute, and just go on about our business, smiling and nodding when the inevitable conversation ensues.
Read full article and listen to Happy Birthday Little Baby Jesus (posted by John Lawless on Bluegrass Today) here!